1.  I wanted to make better use of my travel time.

2.  Bush wants to make greater use of private industry, including insurers and health maintenance organizations, to deliver drug benefits and other medical services to the elderly.

3.  He noted that many Internet sites force users to provide information about themselves if they want to make use of the site.

4.  Now, a company wants to make commercial use of the deepest secrets of their genetic being, for purposes that could be as trivial as exploring perfume allergies.

5.  States want to make greater use of managed care because they think it can help control costs and improve the quality of care for low-income people.

6.  The bill needs firmer requirements for researchers who want to make use of medical records.

7.  Open an office so that people who want to make use of its services can call them.

8.  A change of law last year reduced the presidential term to five years, and this time Chirac wants to make full use of it.

9.  KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. - Malaysia wants to make full use of space technology to detect forest fires and monitor the haze situation in the region.

10.  Yanai charged Tuesday that Zichroni put her on the Manbar defense team because he wanted to make use of her previous professional connection with the judge.

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